You are here: 3. Creditors Ledger > 3.3. FILE Menu: Master File Maintenance > 3.3.1. File - Creditor > File - Creditor - Hold

File - Creditor - Hold

In MCL, you can place a creditor’s account on hold to stop any manual or automatic payments being made to this creditor. You also use this tab to take a creditor's account off hold.


Technical Tip

You can also place an individual invoice on hold so that just that invoice is ignored in your automatic payment runs. Refer to "Creditor Transactions - Hold Invoices/Change Due Dates".

To place a creditor on hold:

  1. Add a new creditor or open an existing one.

Refer to "Adding a New Creditor" or "Updating a Creditor".

  1. Select the Hold tab.

Micronet displays the Creditor Update screen - Hold tab.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Creditor On Hold

Select Yes to place the creditor on hold and prevent any manual or automatic payments being made to them. If a creditor has been placed on hold, select No to take them off hold.

If the Creditor master file is set to update suppliers – see "Creditor Update Screen - Menu Options", this also prevents users from creating purchase orders for the creditor in MDS.


Reason On Hold

Enter the reason for placing the creditor on hold. This reason displays when users attempt to make manual payments against the creditor. Automatic creditor payments do not include any held creditors, regardless of the due date.

  1. Select FILE | SAVE.
  1. Optionally, if you are using the Micronet Distribution System (MDS), update the changes to the supplier in MDS by making sure that the EDIT | UPDATE SUPPLIER menu option is checked.

For more information, refer to "Creditor Update Screen - Menu Options".